Wednesday, October 22, 2008

8 Things Tag!!

My cousin Tiffany tagged me so...

8 Things i am passionate about:
- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
- My Husband Kyle
- My Little boy Karter
- Scrapbooking
- Striving to be a good mom
- Keeping my house neat and tidy
- Trying to lose the baby weight
- My family

8 words or phrases i say to much
- Karter no!
- What!
- Are you kidding me?
- Oh my stars
- Karter!
- yur dumb
- stop it.

8 things i want to do before i die
- Raise my kids
- Be more spiritual
- Go back to Hawaii
- Be a cheerleading advisor
- Visit Europe
- Go on a cruise
- Read the Book of Morman every year
- Serve faithfully in all of my church callings

8 things i learned from the past
- Life is so fragile
- Getting married isn't a fairy tale it takes work
- Your parents do know what they are taking about, even when you think they don't
- Money doesn't grow on trees
- The atonement is real and its a blessing
- Prayers do get answered
- Having a steady boyfriend is never a good thing
- always live your life the way you would be proud to leave behind

8 places i would love to see
- Heaven
- Europe
- Alaska
- Maine
- Hawaii again
- Austrailia
- Florida
- All of the temples on the earth

8 things i currently need or want
- more kids
- a bigger place to live
- food storage
- gas in my car
- scrapbooking stuff you can never have enough!!
- a better car for kyle to commute in
- melissa back with us on earth
- a vacation

8 people i tag
- Shannon
- Brittany D
- Jenny
- Rachel
- Jamie
- Emily
- Julie
- Collette


Shannon said...

I need to jump on this tagging thing. I love reading other peoples. Thanks for tagging me I'll work on it.

Anonymous said...

Holy cow! I'm so glad you found our blog! Cyberspace is an amazing place to keep in touch! It's so good to see you! What a cute family you have!

Anonymous said...

hello... ya we did not have a fun ride. those stupid deer! thats number two... except we didnt hit the second one... i think my car is totaled but atleast no one got hurt we are just a lil sore and stiff.

Ovard Clan said...

Hi Melanie and Kyle!
Found your blog through Crystal. Gotta love this blogging stuff:) E-mail me and I will invite you to mine...

Callie said...

Very fun, I'll get busy on both tags asap!